This Mother's Day, I am reflecting on how grateful I am for my mom. She and my dad raised 5 (yes 5!) kids! I now have 3 wonderful kids and each Mother's Day think about how much work my mom did that I took for granted growing up. It would be nearly impossible for me to have a full-time job, own and operate Playing9, and have quality time with my kids and husband if it were not for my mom. She has helped with picking up orders from my factory in Minneapolis, preparing clothes for shipments, watching our kids when daycare is closed or we need a date night, making sure our gardens aren't completely full of weeds, bringing over cute clothes for our kids to wear and so many more things that make me incredibly grateful.
I had so much fun this week getting to spend 2 days with my mom. One was shopping and lunch out to celebrate her birthday and the second was golfing a short course with our kids and then a family dinner at Culvers. If your mom enjoys golf, a day on the course together would be a wonderful gift! You get quality time to catch up, great exercise, and hopefully a meal or drink together after the round.
Thank you mom for always being there for me and supporting Playing9!